By letting you listen to different frequency tones and spoken words, the test examines your level of hearing.

I got like 90 typing and avg like 19 on the visual memory. This online hearing test checks if your left and your right ear are able to hear high frequency and low frequency tones. With its personalized training plans and challenge modes, you can work on your weaknesses and build on your strengths. no its not faster you just prefire at default so it looks like you have faster reactions, like many people prefire at this benchmark test reaction. Whether you're looking to improve your cognitive skills for work, school, or just for personal development, Human benchmark App has something for everyone. And with the Number Memory test, you can work on your ability to remember and recall sequences of numbers. For example, tinnitus or ringing in ears. The app also offers a Reaction Test, which is a great way to improve your reaction time and hand-eye coordination. Some amount of hearing loss or hearing damage is common as you age. Communication problems among kids in this age group include. This test helps you benchmark the highest boundary of your systems. A hearing test may be one of the first steps to find out if your child has a hearing problem. And with the Hearing test, you can check your ability to hear high-frequency sounds. Humans hear frequencies from 20 Hz up to 20,000 Hz. If you miss 3 tiles on a level, you lose one life. Memorize them, and pick them again after the tiles are reset Levels get progressively more difficult, to challenge your skills. The Verbal Memory and Sequence Memory tests are great for improving memory and cognitive skills. Every level, a number of tiles will flash white. With the app's Chimp Test, you can measure your working memory and see how you stack up against others in your age group. Complete nine quick tests on Human Benchmark, and upload your results here Created Sep 14, 2016. Human benchmark App is the perfect way to challenge and improve your cognitive skills, and it offers a variety of tests and training modes to help you do just that. And with the Hearing test, you can check your ability to hear.

Age-related hearing loss (or presbycusis) is common, so don’t worry if your hearing test. The Verbal Memory and Sequence Memory tests are great for improving memory and cognitive skills. By the time we hit middle-age, the upper hearing limit dips to 14,000 Hz. Anything over 85 dB is considered damaging, so we should avoid exposure to such sounds. Get Human Benchmark now, take the challenge! The normal hearing frequency range of a healthy, young person is about 20 to 20,000 Hz. Want to challenge your limits? Looking to sharpen your brain and reflexes? Look no further than Human Benchmark!